Monday, December 22, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I've been TAGGED!!!!
So the topic is 6 things that make me happy! So here we go:
1. Dante- We've been together for 14 years now and I couldn't see myself with anyone else. I truly believe that he is my soul mate and that he was put on earth for me and I for him. He is the best and gives me everything I want and need. He's the ultimate supporter, partner, best friend, and father! My life is blessed because of him! He's always making me laugh and he brings out the best in me.
2. LJ- I've waited for him to come for a long time. And boy was it worth the wait. When I look at him it's a joy that I can't explain. It's a love like no other and he too puts a smile on my face multiple times throughout my day. I'm so happy to be a mommy and I would do anything for him.
3. My Parents- My parents are my rock. They've supported me through everything. Good and Bad. They've never judged me and let me make the hard decisions in my life with no contest. They are truly the greatest parents and I'm happy for their health and strength. I see the happiness that LJ brings to them and that makes me soooo happy!
4. My Dogs- Louie, Juicy, Brady, & Coke! They are all so different but yet I couldn't live without any of them. They are so much fun to be around, yet can drive me crazy too! I never thought that at any point in my life would I ever have 4 dogs but now there's no going back. They are silly, crazy, needy, and oh so lovable. It's honestly like having 4 other children.
5. My Latte Machine- It's a new kitchen "toy" we just got but I'm already addicted. Even though I'm still only drinking de-caf it's still gets me going for the day. And like PreggerTJ said that first sip is pure heaven! LOL! I was against getting one at first but boy am I glad Dante went and got one. It saves us money since were not going to Starbucks all the time and it taste way better! So Yes! I am happy for my Latte machine!
6. Blogging and my Blackberry (they go hand in hand)- My new found love and addiction. I love it! My nightly routine when I go to sleep is to hop in bed with my Blackberry and I read the blogs that I follow! It's just like reading a book in bed. It's helps me get to sleep. Blogging has reconnected me with so many people and I love reading what everyone is up to. So without my Blackberry I wouldn't be able to hop in bed at night and catch up with all you lovely folks!
OK so who to tag? So I since I'm so nosey I'm gonna tag Malinda, Kate (The Perkes Family), Mindy (Parry Update), & Jennifer (Simeona Fam). I'm excited to read all of your blogs!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Gone for too long...
LJ is just about a week away from being 6 months old! WOW has time flown by. We are currently planning his baptism which will be Dec. 20th at Immaculate Conception Church in Seattle. I wanted it to be small and simple but like with any event in this family it is far from it. My Auntie Flo will be here from Hawaii so naturally she has taken over most o

Some milestones that LJ has conquered are sitting up. He took his first professional picture sitting up and it turned out so good. He's now started eating solids. I started him on the Brown rice cereal and he was
He's pretty bummed about the Seahawks. Who isn't right? I have to hear about on a daily plus out of the 2 of us he was the only one to make it to the playoffs in our fantasy football league. He just nudged me out of the playoffs that punk. But I believe after yesterdays games he lost! So that means we'll have to actually pay for our league this year. Last year I came in 3rd and Dante came in 2nd so with our winnings it paid for all of our fees. Bummer! He spends most of his free time with us or running around with us. It's been a major adjustment for him, he can't just leave on a dime anymore to go off and "play" or whatever. He doesn't mind though, or at least he doesn't let on that it bothers him.
As for me, I'm still at home taking care of LJ. I really want to start the daycare, but I've realized it's gonna take some time and money. The rules and regulations are pretty strict so everything has to be just right. I've started looking at going back to work just in the mean time, for extra money to get things going. With the way the economy is it's tough though. Even in the medical field it's tough. I thought that I chose a field that wouldn't be affected, but I guess not. I've just started my search so hopefully come the new year I will find something.
Well we're all just busy, and getting ready for the holidays like everyone else. It's gonna be a small one since I'm not working and all, but we'll make the most of it. With the baptism less than 2 weeks away. I may not post till after, but there will be lots to talk about and I'll have tons of pics from that day.
Monday, November 3, 2008
20th so save the date. I'm still watching Taya Monday's and Friday's. I've decided to open my own family daycare instead of working with Dante's mom so I'm still taking classes and trying to get my house in order for the inspection. I promise to post something soon. I have some pics from Halloween and birthday parties we went to. So stay tuned!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
I love HEAT!
So this is exciting news for me! It'll probably be weird to you guys that I'm blogging about this but that should just let ya'll know how important and excited I was about it!
In our tiny house there is no heat. When I was younger we had baseboard heaters then my parents stopped using them for some reason. We then had a kerosene heater which was nice. Even though I burned the crap out of my hand when I was 5! I was trying to walk backwards, tripped and placed my hand to catch myself right on the top of the heater! OUCH! So from the time I was 5 till about 2 years ago we always had a kerosene heater warming the house.
After my parents left and the house was ours we got rid of the kerosene heater because I hated the smell and hated that we had to go buy kerosene like once a week! We bought portable electric heaters but as you can imagine our electric bill went up during the winters.
So when I got pregnant we started talking about what we were gonna do about the heat. I wanted something that would heat the whole house (not like it's that big) but not cost and arm and a leg. So we decided on a Pellet Stove. Dante will research something till you want to pull your hair out! I'm not even joking he drives me crazy! He'll find the one he wants or he thinks he wants online then go look at it in the stores. And he'll go to multiple to the people about it. The process takes months for us to get new appliances in this household. Research, research, research. Then he'll compare pricing. I don't mind that part but when I'm pretty much sold on something I'll just go buy it. Not him he'll wait and wait to see if it'll appear on Craigslist. Thank the lord we got lucky and just so happened the one he wanted was on Craigslist. We had to drive all the way up North, I believe it was Camano Island but the guy had purchased it for his home while he was remodeling but then decided to install the stoves that are inserted in the walls. He said he only lit it like 4 times so basically it was brand new.
So mind you we bought this thing in March it is now Oct! Dante finally put it in today! It is wonderful! I've had it on since he finished and my house is now nice and toasty! I LOVE IT! I even took a picture to share with all of you!
Here's a pic I took this morning of Dante and his boys!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Reunited!!! and Rockin the New Do!
So LJ and I made a trip up to her home in Shoreline to visit her and her son Sergio. It was sooo much fun hanging out with her and catching up after all these years! We reminisced on all the good times we had back in the day. I got to meet her 2 1/2 year old son Sergio and she got to meet LJ. It's crazy how much we've both grown up, the lives we now have with our families, yet we both agreed that we were pretty much the same. It was like we hadn't missed a beat. We had such a good day and I hope that we hang out again soon.
Sergio, Lisa, & LJ
I finally took a pic of my new hair do!
Me rockin my Kate Gosselin hair do!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Oh I forgot to announce!
LJ's middle name
I danced with her halau on and off through out high school then kinda faded out out for a couple years. In 2001 after she had Makana I started dancing again and that's when we became close. Like I said she is one of my best friends and Dante and I are even God parents to her third child Kahanu.
So when I found out I was pregnant I immediately asked her to give him his Hawaiian name. I knew it would take some time because it's not like she can pick a name out of a book. These things have to come to you. Well the name came to her in a dream...actually now that I look back on it, it was exactly 2 months before I gave birth. I still have the email she sent me, which is dated April 16th! Weird huh? So here's what the email said:
Again, water comes to mind. (Previously she was always having dreams about water and my baby)
The name is Kahe'enaluokekai (Kuh-hey-ey-naw-lou-oo-kay-kai)
"The Surfer of the Sea"
I chose this name because of the feeling one has on the ocean. It is a free and adventurous feeling. To navigate the waters and not be afraid. To have an accomplished feeling once you have reached the shore.
This baby has been long awaited and just like the journey LJ has taken to get here, this name will help him succeed in life because the name will guide him in wisdom and give him strength.
I thought a long time on the name and once I realized what my dreams were about, it led to the meaning. I think that is what makes it so important.
Let me know what you think.
I love you and am very excited to give LJ his name!
I absolutely love his name and his full name all rolls together nicely! So that's the meaning behind his Hawaiian name, Candace did an excellent job!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Sorry! Been busy!

Monday, September 8, 2008
Jon & Kate plus 8...My Obsession!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Okay...That lasted a day!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
My first day of work!
Anyway, like I said before Dante is on vacation this week so he's staying home wit the Sir. I had been pumping breast milk storing up so when and if I did go back to work I'd have some ready. Well anyway, I called and texted him all day to make sure he was ok. I wasn't really nervous but I have to admit, he's had it easy. I did majority of everything and sometimes he panics when certain things happen and I have to help him out a bit. So today was the first day that I wouldn't be there to back him up. He said he did fine and he admitted that staying home taking care of the little one was way harder then going to work. YAY! He finally understands and he admitted it!
So he spent a day in my shoes. And has a better appreciation for what we Mom's do. Thank goodness!
Oh and I didn't cry this morning before I left! I think it was because I woke up way to late to even think about it. I was shocked I made it there in time! I did shed a few tears before we went to bed last night though! LJ was just laughing at me, he had no idea what was going on. It wasn't too bad.

Friday, August 29, 2008
Rest in Peace Baby Usaia
To work or not to work? That is the question...
And it's not like he has to go to daycare! My mom isn't working anymore and Dante's mom has her own daycare so he'll be with his grandma's. Oh and Dante is off on Wednesdays so that's a plus too!
The only real issue I had with me going back is that I don't want it to be like LJ is being raised by his Grandparents! With both of us working, he'll be with them a majority of the time so there will be a variance in everything for him. He'll be spoiled as all hell being with them all time but I guess there is no avoiding that. Dante did promise me that he'll start going to work earlier so he'll get off earlier, then he'll pick up LJ right away. That relieved me cause the latest he'll get off is probably around 3pm depending what route he's on. He's usually home between noon and 2pm anyway. So the earlier the better.
Oh, so where will I be working? I accepted a position at a design company called Lumicor, I'll be in the Accounting Office as the Assistant to the Controller. It's in Renton. It's actually less than 10 minutes from Dante's Moms, so I can go there on my lunch to visit and feed him. I won't be work a full 40hrs at first, I'm gonna ease my way into it that.
I'm happy that I'm going back but hesitant at the same time. It'll be hard at first but the good thing is Dante is on vacation next week. So I won't have to cry in front of my mom or his mom when I leave him at first. It'll just be Dante so who cares! Wish me luck!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
How my "wittle" family came to be...

So after just "talking" for awhile. We officially became a couple on my birthday, Oct. 30th 1994. And we've been together ever since! We've had some tough times like being banned by the parents from seeing each other which we still did, the whole thinking we might not be able to get pregnant era but we're still hangin tough. He's my best friend and I'm so lucky to have him! So I'm thankful that I joined that halau, met Theressa, went to the Filipino drill team practice. Or god knows where I would be right now. So Theressa if you happen to read this, Thank you! It's because of you why I have this great family!
My First Official Blog! YAY!
So what to write, what to write? Well, I've decided that this is gonna be an audience participation blog, so for those of you who read my blogs feel free to leave comments and ask me anything you want about me or my family. I'll then answer your questions the best that I can during my next blog.
Okay, so a little about me! My name is Noelani, I'm a girlfriend/future wifey (hopefully sometime in the near future) & a new mommy to a beautiful baby boy named Leland John (LJ). My other half is named Dante. We've been together for 14 years now. I don't call him my Boyfriend cause he is so much more than that to me and after 14 years it's just weird to say boyfriend. I have 4 pugs that I love to death, that I also consider my children. Their names are Louie, Juicy, Brady, and Coke. With a new baby and 4 pugs life gets pretty crazy around here at times.
Okay, okay enough with the introductions. It's getting boring. Let the blogging begin!