I've been away for a long time...and oh how I have missed it. I've been busy and honestly haven't had the motivation or energy to blog about anything. So to catch everyone up I'll start with LJ.
LJ is just about a week away from being 6 months old! WOW has time flown by. We are currently planning his baptism which will be Dec. 20th at Immaculate Conception Church in Seattle. I wanted it to be small and simple but like with any event in this family it is far from it. My Auntie Flo will be here from Hawaii so naturally she has taken over most o
f the cooking! I love her cooking! I have memories from when I was little of all the parties/luau's they had at there house. Good times! The reception will be at my Aunt Sarah's house. (which is Auntie Flo's oldest daughter) Her house is soooo nice. The layout is perfect. I love it! I would buy it in an instant if I could. They are actually moving and looking for a buyer but Dante said Ya right! We have LJ's outfit all ready...he's gonna be so cute. He's wearing an all white aloha shirt and white pants. I tried it on already and it's super adorable. So the baptism has been taking up most of my time trying to get everything ready to go.
Some milestones that LJ has conquered are sitting up. He took his first professional picture sitting up and it turned out so good. He's now started eating solids. I started him on the Brown rice cereal and he was
kinda not sure what to make of it. But I've decided to make his food. So I went to the little organic market here in Kent and bought Apples, Pears, Bananas, Peas, Carrots, and Yams. He loves all of them. He's so funny, he now knows his high chair and what treat he's in for when you put him in it. He's starting to scoot but only backwards. He does this thing when he's on his back. He arches his back and kicks himself back. It scares me because I'm worried he's gonna hurt his neck, but he does it all the time, especially in bed at night when he wakes up. He'll end up at the top of the bed hitting the wall. OH we bought him one of those jumper things and he loves it. He jumps and jumps and cracks himself up. He's too cute! It's amazing how fast he's growing. Dante and I are bracing ourselves because we know it's only a matter of time before he's really mobile and getting into everything.
LJ is just about a week away from being 6 months old! WOW has time flown by. We are currently planning his baptism which will be Dec. 20th at Immaculate Conception Church in Seattle. I wanted it to be small and simple but like with any event in this family it is far from it. My Auntie Flo will be here from Hawaii so naturally she has taken over most o

Some milestones that LJ has conquered are sitting up. He took his first professional picture sitting up and it turned out so good. He's now started eating solids. I started him on the Brown rice cereal and he was
Dante is busy busting his butt at work. Like always. He's the relief driver f
or Franz Bakery for ya'll who didn't know. He likes to be called "The Breadman." LOL! They added the new Costco in Covington to there depot so it was basically a raise for him so he was excited. More work, but he is now the only relief driver with a CDL so he'll be the only one to get the big routes when those drivers go on vacation or on sick leave. So he was pretty amped about that.
He's pretty bummed about the Seahawks. Who isn't right? I have to hear about on a daily plus out of the 2 of us he was the only one to make it to the playoffs in our fantasy football league. He just nudged me out of the playoffs that punk. But I believe after yesterdays games he lost! So that means we'll have to actually pay for our league this year. Last year I came in 3rd and Dante came in 2nd so with our winnings it paid for all of our fees. Bummer! He spends most of his free time with us or running around with us. It's been a major adjustment for him, he can't just leave on a dime anymore to go off and "play" or whatever. He doesn't mind though, or at least he doesn't let on that it bothers him.
As for me, I'm still at home taking care of LJ. I really want to start the daycare, but I've realized it's gonna take some time and money. The rules and regulations are pretty strict so everything has to be just right. I've started looking at going back to work just in the mean time, for extra money to get things going. With the way the economy is it's tough though. Even in the medical field it's tough. I thought that I chose a field that wouldn't be affected, but I guess not. I've just started my search so hopefully come the new year I will find something.
Well we're all just busy, and getting ready for the holidays like everyone else. It's gonna be a small one since I'm not working and all, but we'll make the most of it. With the baptism less than 2 weeks away. I may not post till after, but there will be lots to talk about and I'll have tons of pics from that day.
He's pretty bummed about the Seahawks. Who isn't right? I have to hear about on a daily plus out of the 2 of us he was the only one to make it to the playoffs in our fantasy football league. He just nudged me out of the playoffs that punk. But I believe after yesterdays games he lost! So that means we'll have to actually pay for our league this year. Last year I came in 3rd and Dante came in 2nd so with our winnings it paid for all of our fees. Bummer! He spends most of his free time with us or running around with us. It's been a major adjustment for him, he can't just leave on a dime anymore to go off and "play" or whatever. He doesn't mind though, or at least he doesn't let on that it bothers him.
As for me, I'm still at home taking care of LJ. I really want to start the daycare, but I've realized it's gonna take some time and money. The rules and regulations are pretty strict so everything has to be just right. I've started looking at going back to work just in the mean time, for extra money to get things going. With the way the economy is it's tough though. Even in the medical field it's tough. I thought that I chose a field that wouldn't be affected, but I guess not. I've just started my search so hopefully come the new year I will find something.
Well we're all just busy, and getting ready for the holidays like everyone else. It's gonna be a small one since I'm not working and all, but we'll make the most of it. With the baptism less than 2 weeks away. I may not post till after, but there will be lots to talk about and I'll have tons of pics from that day.
LJ is so cute. I love his hair. Good luck finding a job. At Craigs work they just laid off 40 people. So if there is another round, he will probably be one of them. Argh, twice in one year! So we understand cutting back. Hope it works out.
Your baby is so stinkin cute! His hair is the best! I would love for one of my kids to have that hair! In my family the boys get the hair and the girls don't, hopefully your luck is better! Good luck in the job search, I can't wait till things in this economy start to turn around and families can feel secure again. Hope all goes well.
You've been a busy lady! Isn't it shocking how fast the time goes by with a baby?! He is such a beautiful boy. I am SO jealous of his hair. My daughter is one and has barely anything. That was fine with the boys, but with a girl it's frustrating. Anyway, I hope everything comes together wonderfully for the baptism. Good luck!
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