Monday, October 13, 2008


Yesterday, I had some of my closest friends Ailey, Katie, Jennie, Emily and Lisa over for the Seahawks game. We didn't really watch the game because we were so busy chatting and catching up. It was soooo fun getting everyone together finally after all these years!

After school I kinda went my own separate way for what reason I really couldn't tell you. Like I had said before I lost touch with Lisa after she transferred high schools but for the rest of them I tried to make at least a yearly phone call to see how everyone was doing. I would for sure talk to Ailey every couple months or see her when she would be home visiting, so she would always update me with what was happening with the rest of them. They were always on my mind because they were my best friends growing up and I missed them dearly and hoped they were all doing well.

We had a great time yesterday, eating, drinking (well not me but the rest of them), and reminiscing. They all played with LJ and the rest of them got to meet Lisa's little boy Sergio. He really took a liking to Emily! He was sooo cute. Must be the blonde hair!
I'm so glad we all got together. I'm happy Ailey's back home for good! I love all of them so much and I hope we all can hang out more often!


Anonymous said...

FUN!! I love reuniting with old friends!! :) I just did that on Sunday with an old Jr High friend!! :)

Jennifer said...

Awesome! That must have been GREAT! I know I'm going crazy with the reunion thing, but can you get Jennie's address and email address and email it to the reunion email: I think this quest for info had taken over. Sorry! You all look great!

Malinda & Cam said...

that picture reminds me of old junior high sleep overs. everyone still looks the same!

Mindy said...

Hey Pico,

HOpe you don't mind, but I was jumping bloggs and ran into yours. I can't believe you have a baby. He is so cute and I love the hair. (This is Mindy Palmer if you are wondering.) Sounds like you are still in Washington, very nice. I miss it.

Kate Perkes said...

How fun! That is the cutest picture! Everyone looks exactly the same, I can't believe it. I would love to hear what everyone is up to! You should post it... I would love to know who is married who has kids.. etc..Tell everyone I said Hello if you see them again.