Thursday, December 18, 2008

I've been TAGGED!!!!

I know I said I probably wouldn't post till after the Baptism on Saturday but I've been tagged! It's my first time being tagged so I feel I have to get it done. The lovely Tanya (PreggerTJ) tagged me. I would have made a link if I knew how but since I don't you can just look to the right of my page to see who's blogs I read and then click the link there! LOL!

So the topic is 6 things that make me happy! So here we go:

1. Dante- We've been together for 14 years now and I couldn't see myself with anyone else. I truly believe that he is my soul mate and that he was put on earth for me and I for him. He is the best and gives me everything I want and need. He's the ultimate supporter, partner, best friend, and father! My life is blessed because of him! He's always making me laugh and he brings out the best in me.

2. LJ- I've waited for him to come for a long time. And boy was it worth the wait. When I look at him it's a joy that I can't explain. It's a love like no other and he too puts a smile on my face multiple times throughout my day. I'm so happy to be a mommy and I would do anything for him.

3. My Parents- My parents are my rock. They've supported me through everything. Good and Bad. They've never judged me and let me make the hard decisions in my life with no contest. They are truly the greatest parents and I'm happy for their health and strength. I see the happiness that LJ brings to them and that makes me soooo happy!

4. My Dogs- Louie, Juicy, Brady, & Coke! They are all so different but yet I couldn't live without any of them. They are so much fun to be around, yet can drive me crazy too! I never thought that at any point in my life would I ever have 4 dogs but now there's no going back. They are silly, crazy, needy, and oh so lovable. It's honestly like having 4 other children.

5. My Latte Machine- It's a new kitchen "toy" we just got but I'm already addicted. Even though I'm still only drinking de-caf it's still gets me going for the day. And like PreggerTJ said that first sip is pure heaven! LOL! I was against getting one at first but boy am I glad Dante went and got one. It saves us money since were not going to Starbucks all the time and it taste way better! So Yes! I am happy for my Latte machine!

6. Blogging and my Blackberry (they go hand in hand)- My new found love and addiction. I love it! My nightly routine when I go to sleep is to hop in bed with my Blackberry and I read the blogs that I follow! It's just like reading a book in bed. It's helps me get to sleep. Blogging has reconnected me with so many people and I love reading what everyone is up to. So without my Blackberry I wouldn't be able to hop in bed at night and catch up with all you lovely folks!

OK so who to tag? So I since I'm so nosey I'm gonna tag Malinda, Kate (The Perkes Family), Mindy (Parry Update), & Jennifer (Simeona Fam). I'm excited to read all of your blogs!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh i'm so glad i'm not the only one with crackhead habits about coffee being pure heaven! LOL and i'm getting a my new blackberry curve tomorrow, now i'm totally scared that i'll enjoy it before bed too!! LOL