Tuesday, January 20, 2009

President Barack Obama!

LJ and I woke up today at 8am to start watching the festivities. My mom actually called and woke us up. They wanted to come over and make breakfast and watch the Inauguration on a "Big" TV.
So I got up made LJ a bottle, changed his diaper and sat him in the living room while I quickly washed last nights dishes before my parents got here. My dad can't cook if there's dishes in the sink so I had to do them so he would cook! I then fed LJ his breakfast, he had yogurt and pears today. By the time he was done they were starting to swear in Vice President Joe Biden. I quickly cleaned up LJ because I wanted to get a picture of LJ and I as they were swearing in President Barack Obama!

So I got a picture of the 2 of us with our new President being sworn in on the TV in the background. I look like crap, but it's ok I'll be able to show LJ when he gets older our pic of the historic day!
I'm excited for what President Obama is gonna bring to this country! I can only hope and pray that we will be better and stronger because of him. CHANGE has come and I am THANKFUL and PROUD to be an AMERICAN and that my son will get to witness our first African American President as he grows up!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Baby Food 101

My friend PreggerTJ asked me to do a post about making LJ's food. So here it is. I decided to make LJ's food instead of buying the regular baby food because:

1. I can use organic foods and it's still cheaper.

2. I believe it's healthier because I'm not adding all the preservatives to it so it can last on a shelf for who knows how long.

3. There are sooo many more stage 1 foods that baby's can eat than the manufacturer's produce.

They say you can start solids between 4 months and 6 months. I waited till a week before LJ was 6 months. They say you should hold off till 6 months if baby is exclusively breast fed so that's what I tried to do. The only thing is breast milk is not very filling! It was great at the beginning because I knew he had to eat every 3 hrs but by the time he was 5 months old I could tell it just wasn't doing it for him. He was still waking up every 3-4 hrs at night to eat. Luckily I wouldn't go to bed till his 11pm-midnight feeding that way I only had to wake up once between 3am-4am to feed him. It didn't seem that bad at first to me because technically I was only waking up once, but in reality LJ was going to bed at 6pm so he would wake up 2 sometimes 3 times at night. My baby wasn't sleeping through the night yet! And he was almost 6 months old!

So I knew I needed to get him on solids to get his little tummy full at night so my boy can sleep!

So anyway, I did my research and I got this great book at my baby shower from Auntie Louie. It's called Baby 411. It has been my life line since the day LJ was born. It literally has everything to expect from your little one and advice on what to do. Great book, I totally recommend it!

So stage 1 foods are the least allergenic and that's why they are stage one foods. You can feed these to your baby in any order they say. I started out with vegetables, then fruits now we are at beans. I plan on doing stage 1 dairy and meats probably starting next week.

Once you introduce a food to your baby, you want to feed that same food to them for about 3-4 days to make sure they are not allergic. Makes it easy because you don't have to decide what to serve them.

Ok so here are the stage 1 foods:

Stage 1 Fruits and Vegetables: Applesauce, Apricots, Asparagus, Avocados, Bananas, Broccoli, Carrots, Green Beans, Guava, Mashed potatoes, Mango, Melons, Nectarines, Papaya, Peaches, Peas, Plums, Prunes, Pumpkin, Squash, Sweet Potatoes

Stage 1 Grains: Rice cereal, Barley cereal, Oatmeal cereal, Wheat cereal, Millet cereal, Quinoa cereal

Stage 1 Meats and Beans: Beans: red, kidney, white, black-eyed, navy, ect., Beef, Chicken, Garbanzo bean (hummus spread), lamb, lentils, pork, split peas, tofu, turkey

Here are stage 2 foods:

Stage 2 Fruits and Vegetables: Bell peppers, blueberries, grapefruit, kale and other greens, kiwi, oranges, pineapple, rhubarb-cooked, spinach-cooked, strawberries, tomatoes

Stage 2 Grains: Cherrios/Oatios or generic, cornmeal: polenta, cornbread, corn tortillas, oat bran cereal/muffins, pasta, puffed kashi, rice cakes, whole grain pancakes, whole grain waffles, whole wheat crackers

Stage 2 Meats and Beans: Edamame, egg yolks (no egg whites until after 1st bday), sunflower seed butter

That's a variety huh? Just for stage one foods! Baby food only comes in like 4-5 choices for stage 1 foods. I didn't go through all the stage one foods yet. We've had Sweet potatoes, yams (I know it's not listed but I figure it's the same as a potato), carrots, peas, green beans, butternut squash, apples, pears, bananas, we just started garbanzo beans, and I have tried whole grain pasta and whole grain pancakes just to see how he'd do and he did pretty well. I just had to make sure that it was really really small pieces.

So my method is easy:

1. Peel and cut up vegetable or fruit into equal size pieces. Pretty small so it cooks quickly.

2. Boil until fork tender

3. Drain but save a little of the water

4. Puree' in food processor with a little water. At first you want it kinda soupy, almost liquid when your introducing and then you can make the puree' thicker as baby adjusts and gets used to it.

Now to the storage. Here's where it gets interesting. I like to store it 2 different ways. Canning jars because they are glass and you can sanitize them and ice cube trays, you can't sanitize them but it does make for easy storage and transport at first.

You might want to do the ice cube trays at first because they don't eat very much at first. It's basically a treat and practice so you can work your way up on how many ice cubes to defrost and serve as baby gets used to.

1. Fill the ice cube trays with the puree'.

2. Cover it with foil or plastic wrap and freeze over night.

3. The next day I remove it from the ice cube tray then store it the small freezer bags and label them. It makes it easy if you have to go somewhere and bring the food with you. And you avoid freezer burn.

For the canning jars, here's where it gets tricky. I use the small jars, I believe they are the 4 oz jars. The timing is key if you want to make your jar seal and pop so you know it's canned correctly and sterile.

1. Wash all jars before you get started.

2. After you boil the food, put it in the food processor hot.

3. As you puree', fill the jar 3/4 full with water.

4. Place jars in microwave for at least 5 min. You want the water to boil.

5. As soon as the food is pureed to your consistency and the jars are done in the micro immediately empty the water out of the jar and fill the jar with the food.

6. Cover immediately. Lids will pop and seal as the food cools down.

Now you can either store it in the fridge or freezer. I like this way because you know it's sterilized. As your baby starts to eat more you could switch to just using the jars because he/she will eat a whole jar in one sitting.

How much to make? I try to make enough for 2 weeks. That way I avoid freezer burn and I'm not spending all day making baby food. It usually takes me about 2 hrs to do.

Well there it is...it's not hard at all. Just takes to time to get your routine down and get in the swing of things. (Tanya if you need help, I'll come over and show you when you're ready. Just let me know!) So that's my Baby Food 101. Happy Baby Food making!

Friday, January 9, 2009

A Little Randomness...

On my Facebook profile I was tagged to do this 16 Random Things About Me. I really liked it because it made me really have to think of things to share with people. I thought I would post it here just to share. I'm not going to tag anyone but maybe it'll inspire you to think outside the box and share random facts about yourself.

Here's my list:

1. I'm an athlete at heart. I started sports when I was 5, I mainly played basketball and volleyball. I played up until my first year of college then just decided to stop one day and haven't played since. I think I was burnt out after all those years. I really do miss it now though.

2. I'm super competitive and I hate to lose!

3. I still sleep with my baby blanket and am not ashamed of it! I bring it on every trip we go on.

4. I've danced hula since I was 10. I still watch old hula videos and competition videos.

5. I fell in love when I was 13.

6. I love wearing sweats!

7. I eat my food in a specific order, meat, rice, vegetable until I'm done. If it's not portioned right I make it so I can finish in that order.

8. I pride myself in being able to help others. I'll do almost anything for almost anybody, if you just ask.

9. I sleep with a pillow between my legs because I like to sleep on my side and I can't stand my legs touching each other.

10. I love to cook. I watch the food network all the time. I've even have 2 sets of Emeril's cookware and I just got Rachel Rays oval saute pan, her knives, and Big Orange Book for Christmas!

11. I make all LJ's baby food.

12. Gary Payton is my all time favorite basketball player,since I was in elementary. I finally got to meet him when I worked at Wells Fargo in Factoria. I saw him on a weekly basis. He even invited me and Dante to be his guest in his suite at the Key. I met his younger brother and his brothers girlfriend at that game. It was a dream come true for me! So much fun.

13. I believe that I'm destined to win the lottery. I just have that feeling.

14. I played volleyball in Norway when I was 19. It was the greatest experience ever!

15. I hate cleaning! Absolutely hate it! I would hire a maid if I could afford one.

16. I coached club volleyball for 1 year and would love to start coaching again some day.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy New Year!!! Feelin fine in 2009!

Happy New Year everyone! I know I'm late but better late than never I guess. Our New Years was quite. We just went to Dante's Uncle Tracy's and hung out with them. They had their two little ones plus the twins Kiara and Mikayla. We ate steak and shrimp and watched the movie Step Brothers once all the kids went to bed. It was fricken hillarious! I was dying laughing! So funny. LJ went to bed at 8pm so he didn't really get to join in on the midnight festivities but oh well. There will be many more to come! So our New Years was nice, quite and relaxing.

On Saturday, Jan 3rd we went to engagement party of Clyde and Yvonne our friends and also LJ's Godparents. They got engaged on Saturday, Dec. 27th in New Jersey. Clyde flew out there to surprise her and also to ask her hand in marriage. They are the sweetest couple and I'm so happy for Clyde that he found and fell in love with her! Yvonne is the greatest. They are so cute together! It was a small get together but it was fun. My god daughter Roanne and god son Aaron were there, so it was fun to see and play with them. So CONGRATS to them! I can't wait to go to New Jersey in 2010 for their wedding! I've never been there so I can't wait!

2009! Wow, I can't believe it's 2009! My high school 10 year reunion is this year. I'm excited to see everyone and I really hope everyone shows up. It'll be interesting to see how everyone's lives are.

I'm not sure what to expect with this year. I haven't really made any resolutions. It kind of snuck up on me so I dunno. I definitely want to get back to work...I can honestly say that I'm not really trying but I guess I should start trying harder. I'm being really picky with the positions that I apply for so I'm going to start being more open to different positions, locations, and specialties.

LJ is doing well! I'm definitely enjoying my time with him because I know I'll be returning to work soon. He's growing too fast. I've already started planning his 1st birthday luau. I've set the date, it'll be June 27th at Kennedy High School. They have a really big hall. So I really wanted to use that place. A lot of the Hawaiian functions are held there so it was first on my list. I'm not sure what I'm gonna have yet. I think we're gonna have face painting, some games, and a pinata so far. Not sure on the games yet. I don't want to have to organize and run that during the party. My Aunt who did the food for the baptism/wedding will be here for his luau as well. YAY! I have 5 months to plan so I think I'll be ok.

So our 2009 so far has been good. Not up to much, with the weather and all we've just been staying home. I hate going out in the snow/rain. I know it's only January but I can't wait for Spring! SUNSHINE!!